Although obviously I had to take my Mum with me. I'm not allowed to drive for 24 hours after the injection, so I needed a lift home last night, and sadly the only things Lisa can drive are a hard bargain and me up the wall. So my Mum got the job of holding my hand, dabbing my tears and chatting up the podiatrist.
He gave the injection via the side of my heel, because apparently that's a lot less painful. Which makes me wonder how it would have felt going straight up into the base of my foot. I'm not saying it was excruciating, but I once trod on a plastic Tombliboo, and that was less painful.
Mind you, it seems my plantar fasciitis is a bit of an extreme case. Before carrying out the procedure, the podiatrist gently prodded my heel to check the exact location of the pain, and having peeled me off the ceiling and made sure I was still conscious, he looked visibly shocked, before saying "Wow. You really do need this injection, don't you?"
The procedure itself involved a local anaesthetic followed by a depomedrone injection and some more anaesthetic, all administered via the same (big) needle. Quite what effect the lidocaine had, I have no idea, because frankly I felt every moment. It was like being impaled on a metal spike for two minutes. Which is probably not that surprising.
Disappointingly, the anaesthetic wore off within an hour or two, and I was quickly back to my usual level of pain, plus a little extra at the site of the injection. I've been told it could take up to a week before it feels better, and that it might actually feel worse for a couple of days, but in a gargantuan effort of mind over matter, I'm managing to convince myself that it's improved a bit this morning. Possibly because I've spent three hours on the sofa with Lisa fetching me cups of tea. Frankly if I relax any more than this, I'll end up with bed sores.
You wimp.. MY planta fashiitis injection was in the base of my foot - right into the existing painful spot!
Have you ever had a kidney stone?
Would you like to see the scar from my operation?!
I might start writing about my prostatitis again...
I once had a nasty paper cut?
As an interested observer, I can confirm that it was indeed a VERY painful procedure - painful to watch! - and that the patient did NOT utter a sound throughout, possibly because he had stopped breathing!
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